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PlumTree Financial's 10th Anniversary Client Appreciation Party 2024 Thumbnail

PlumTree Financial's 10th Anniversary Client Appreciation Party 2024

Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024

Time: 6:00 PM 

Location: Westwood Country Club

PlumTree Financial is celebrating 10 years!

PlumTree Financial is excited to host our 10-year anniversary party on May 2nd at 6pm and we want to celebrate with YOU!  We are thrilled to see our valued clients and dear friends and hope YOU can be part of the fun.  There will be a scrumptious buffet, live entertainment, and a few fun surprises.

We have a passion for the color Purple!

No PlumTree Financial party would be a party without a little purple, and we will celebrate all attendees wearing shades of plum. The attire is business/upscale casual but don’t hesitate to show your purple pride.