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Webinar: 2024 LPL Research Midyear Outlook (7/16/2024) Thumbnail

Webinar: 2024 LPL Research Midyear Outlook (7/16/2024)

Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Time: 12:00 PM EST

Location: Webinar

We will discuss LPL Research's views regarding the second half of 2024 including expectations that the market, despite pockets of volatility and market pullbacks, historically end the year in positive territory.  

 The following topics will also be included in the discussion:

  • With the Federal Reserve meeting scheduled for July 31, we will look at the economic landscape regarding the labor market and the health of the consumer.
  • Given how much the Federal Reserve telegraphs to markets, we will also discuss how the Federal Reserve has characterized the health of the economy. 
  • With the upcoming election, the topic of the national debt has been paramount, and we will discuss the issue of Social Security and Medicare and the potential scenarios for funding.
  • We will also take a look at historical market patterns in relation to the composition of Congress.

To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_E4JrpD3CTVKtGvRjQWH1iQ

Feel free to share webinar link with a friend! All are welcome....

Presented by: 

Quincy Krosby, LPL Financial’s Chief Global Strategist. Quincy has 27+ years of industry experience, including previously serving as a U.S. Diplomat in Washington and U.S. embassies abroad.  In addition to numerous assignments at the U.S. Department of State, she served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce, and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to represent the United States at the International Monetary Fund.