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Webinar: Inflation – How Bad is it? Presented by First Trust (5/12/2022) Thumbnail

Webinar: Inflation – How Bad is it? Presented by First Trust (5/12/2022)

Date: May 12, 2022

Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM 

Location: Webinar

You might recall last year the Federal Reserve (FED) was calling the spike in inflation transitory. We now know it is more persistent, as much of the market has interpreted the FED as being behind the eight ball, not yet hiking rates or reducing the balance sheet.

Over the coming months the FED will be reducing its balance sheet, and likely hiking rates to calm the inflation or stagflation fears. Much research tells us inflation will naturally come down by year end as the distribution channels open fully due to Covid abating.

With this in mind, we would like to invite you to a special webinar to gain a better understanding of inflation, how it may impact your investments and how the First Trust Global Tactical Commodity Strategy Fund (FTGC) seeks to add value during this time.

We will be joined by Brad Seberhagen, Vice President, Alternatives Client Portfolio Manager at First Trust. Brad has 15 years of experience in both asset manager and advisory roles. Brad has also worked with financial professionals across all channels to provide industry-leading economic and market commentary and portfolio analysis.