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Webinar: Student of the Market Presented by BlackRock (6/28/2022) Thumbnail

Webinar: Student of the Market Presented by BlackRock (6/28/2022)

Date: June 28, 2022

Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM 

Location: Webinar

Through May 2022, it has been the worst start to a year for bonds ever. Rates are up. Stocks are down and volatile. For thoughts from a sought-after speaker and recognized thought leader or to ask questions, join us for this interesting and informative webinar.

Student of the Market will be hosted by PlumTree Financial and presented by Mark Peterson, the author of the popular “Student of the Market” monthly publication that is distributed widely to advisors across the country.

Mark, a Director in the Advisor Insights team at BlackRock, is a 25-year veteran with extensive expertise and experience educating advisors and investors on market and investment topics.