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Webinar: Understanding Sleep for Optimal Performance (1/18/2023) Thumbnail

Webinar: Understanding Sleep for Optimal Performance (1/18/2023)

Date: January 18, 2023

Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM 

Location: Webinar

Disrupted schedules, increased stress, and pressures at work and home can interfere with sleep in many ways. Would you like to learn practical tips and strategies to start getting sweet dreams during times of highest unrest?

We are happy to host a special webinar on January 18, 2023 at noon. We will be joined by Dr. Melissa Milanak, founder of MIND Impact Consulting, LLC. In addition to speaking and training throughout the USA and internationally, she has leveraged decades of expertise, healthcare experience and product knowledge to now work as the healthcare clinical assessment advisor of Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR), helping organizations effectively utilize assessments to augment best practices and increasing workplace wellbeing, reducing burnout and helping to create a solid foundation for businesses to grow.