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Webinar: U.S. Political and Economic Outlook (12/6/2022) Thumbnail

Webinar: U.S. Political and Economic Outlook (12/6/2022)

Date: December 06, 2022

Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM 


What is on the horizon for the political and economic landscape?

We will be hosting a special webinar on December 6 and will be joined by an economic expert who has unique insights into the interplay between politics and economic policy.

Robert Stein, Deputy Chief Economist at First Trust, is responsible for forecasting and analyzing economic indicators as well as writing economic commentaries.

Between 1996 and 2002, Bob was chief economist for the Senate Budget Committee on Capitol Hill and an economist for the Senate Banking Committee and Joint Economic Committee. Prior to his tenure on Capitol Hill and the Treasury Department, Bob was a journalist for Investor’s Business Daily where he covered the economy and authored many front-page stories.

We hope you can join us!